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  • 長崎懸產戀之實士多啤梨(根據季節可能會更換為其他日本品牌)
  • 法國鐵塔35%忌廉
  • 自家炒製北海道紅豆粒粒餡
  • 八女抹茶銅鑼燒

蛋糕尺寸 : 5寸闊 x 6-6.5寸高


最少4天前預定, 全手工製作, 數量有限。

Order at least 4 days in advance, all handmade, limited quantity.


由 法國忌廉、日本上白糖、日本雞蛋、日本牛奶、麩質等精製食材製成。

如有食物過敏, 敬請自行考量。


-- 持有食物製造廠牌照 --





- 取餅日起計1小時內盡快雪藏。

- 已包括冰袋及手提袋。亦可$15加購冰種一個。

- 建議盡快冷藏以延長保質期。最多可保存3天。

- 新鮮製作, 不含防腐劑, 請盡快享用手工甜品。



- 可選擇速遞到付或觀塘開源道教室自取。確認訂購後會發送詳細地址。

- 確認訂購後不設退款、改期或取消。

- 需全數繳付方能確認訂單。

- 產品數量有限,額滿即止。如收到訂購訊息兩天內仍未完成交易,將視作放棄論。

- 選擇速遞到付之客人, 取餅時本店將拍照whatsapp給客人, 速遞取餅後須自行承擔運送風險。

- 選擇自取客人請於指定時間內取餅, !!! 逾時不候 !!!

- 圖片只供參考, 每件作品獨一無二, 敬請考慮到手工製作, 非工場倒模, 顏色、尺寸、擺位不會跟圖片100%一模一樣。

- 如有任何爭議,Gloria's CakeCraft 保留最終決定權。



Matcha Dorayaki Xmas Tree Cake

  • Nagasaki Strawberry(maybe replace by other Japanese brand depends on season)
  • French Eiffel Tower 35% Cream
  • Homemade Hokkaido red bean paste
  • Yame Matcha Dorayaki (Japanese pancake)

Cake size: 5 inches wide x 6-6.5 inches high


Made from French dairy products, Japanese sugar, Japanese eggs, Japanese milk and other glutens. etc.

Please consider If you have any food allergies.


-- Food Factory Licensed --

Homemade and handcrafted Non-canned/ready-made fillings

Low sugar processing, without any preservatives.


Preservation method:

- Please keep in fridge within 1 hour once picked up.

- Recommended to refrigerate it as soon as possible for longer preservative period. Can be stored for up to 3 days.

- Freshly made without preservative, please enjoy the handmade pastry ASAP.


Terms and conditions:

- No refund or reschedule after order confirmation.

- Full payment is required to confirm the order.

- Please settle full payment within 2 days. If the transaction is not completed within two days, it will be regarded as abandonment.

- Available for door-to-door delivery or pick-up at Kwun Tong Cakeshop located at Hoi Yuen Road.

- Pictures will be sent before delivery through Whatsapp, buyer bears all risks of loss or damage to the goods once the seller has delivered.

- Please be on-time if choosing pick-up at Cakeshop. NO WAITING for late comers.

- Pictures are for references only, handmade products won't be 100% match with photos, please accept subtel differences in size and placement.

八女抹茶銅鑼燒聖誕樹蛋糕 Matcha Dorayaki Xmas Tree Cake

  • 早鳥

    • 2 個月前確認訂單可享 5% 折扣。


    • 消費滿港幣 2000 起可享 5% 折扣。
    • 消費滿港幣 4000 起可享10%折扣。
    • 消費滿港幣 6000 起可享15%折扣。


    Early Bird

    • 5% off discount for order confirming 2 months before event date.


    Bulk Orders

    • 5% off discount for spending HKD2000up.
    • 10% off discount for spending HKD4000up.
    • 15% off discount for spending HKD6000up.
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