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糅合法國及日本的製餅工藝, 為大家呈獻一系列賀年禮盒🫶🏻 以法國發酵牛油精製的金磚蛋糕及海鹽酥餅, 配以日式餡料及煙韌麻糬, 加上自家研磨意大利開心果及法式精品朱古力, 一盒滿滿的祝福。可室溫存放, 放便送禮。


❗1月10日前訂購, 輸入「NewYear2025」即享5% 早鳥折扣優惠❗Order before 10th Jan, enter “NewYear2025” to enjoy 5% early bird discount



🔸法式費南雪金磚小蛋糕 Financier Petite🔸
FINANCIER費南雪是法文「金融家」的意思, 因為費南雪傳統上是使用長方形模具來烘烤, 金黃色的小蛋糕, 取其外型稱作「金磚蛋糕」。經典的一口大小, 堅果味十足, 內裡濕潤, 外皮酥脆。Financiers, renowned French pastry, are baked in shaped molds, usually small rectangular loaves. The name financier is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mold, which resembles a bar of gold. Classic bite-sized browned butter almond tea cake, nutty and moist with a crispy eggshell-like crust. made of pure fine butter, egg and almond powder, comes in various flavors.


訂購日期 Order Date (1月10-28日, 最少5天前預訂Available from 10-28th Jan, order at least 5 days in advance)

每款口味1件, 一盒4件

1pcs per flavor, a total of 4pcs per box

  • 意大利開心果Italian Pistachio Financier
  • 法芙娜雙重朱古力Valrhona Double Chocolate

  • 櫻花小山園焙茶麻糬Sakura Hojicha Mochi

  • 核桃楓糖漿Walnut Maple Syrup


🔸法式布列塔尼酥餅 Galette Bretonne🔸

布列塔尼餅乾源自於法國西北部布列塔尼地區(Brittany),以盛產高品質的鹹味奶油著名, 加入頂級的海鹽:鹽之花製作而成。使用蛋黃及法國發酵牛油,讓餅乾味道更濃郁。

Sablé Breton, (sob-lee breh-tone) is a classic, very buttery cookie coming from the Bretagne region (Britanny) in the North-West of France.  The region is famous for its indulgent use of butter, in particular salted butter.


每款口味2件, 共8件

  • 原味馬達加斯加香草Original Madagascar Vanilla
  • 法國法芙娜精品朱古力French Valrhona fine chocolate
  • 英國川寧皇家伯爵茶Twinings Earl GreyTea
  • 日本八女抹茶Japanese Yame Matcha


由 法國發酵牛油、日本上白糖、日本雞蛋等精製食材製成。

如有食物過敏, 敬請自行考量。






- 取餅日起計可於室溫可保存4天, 請放置於陰涼乾爽地方。

- 建議盡快冷藏以延長保質期。最多可保存14天。

- 新鮮製作, 不含防腐劑, 請盡快享用手工甜品。


Made from French fermented butter, Japanese sugar, Japanese eggs, etc. Please consider If you have any food allergies.



-- Food Factory Licensed --

Homemade and handcrafted ❗Non-canned/ready-made fillings❗

Low sugar processing, without any preservatives.


Preservation method:

- Can be stored at room temperature for 4 days from the day of pick up, please store in cool and dry place.

- Recommended to refrigerate it as soon as possible for longer preservative period. can be stored for up to 14 days.

- Freshly made without preservative, please enjoy the handmade pastry ASAP.

法式賀年禮盒 French Pastry Assorted Gift Box

  • 大量訂單

    • 消費滿港幣 2000 起可享 5% 折扣。
    • 消費滿港幣 4000 起可享10%折扣。
    • 消費滿港幣 6000 起可享15%折扣。


    Bulk Orders

    • 5% off discount for spending HKD2000up.
    • 10% off discount for spending HKD4000up.
    • 15% off discount for spending HKD6000up.
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