🔸金裝賀年錦盒 New Year Assorted Gift Box🔸
歐洲深造回港後, 為大家帶來新款賀年錦盒🫶🏻
歷年來最受歡迎產品 - 牡丹杏仁酥, 加上法式費南雪金磚蛋糕及布列塔尼酥餅, 一盒滿滿的祝福。可室溫存放, 放便送禮。
訂購日期 Order Date (1月10-28日, 最少5天前預訂Available from January 10-28, order at least 5 days in advance)
❗1月10日前訂購, 輸入「NewYear2025」即享5% 早鳥折扣優惠❗Order before 10th Jan, enter "NewYear2025" to enjoy 5% early bird discount
🔸富貴牡丹酥4件Peony Almond Crisp 4pcs:
-玫瑰烏龍茶麻糬Rose Oolong Tea Mochi
-伯爵茶柚子羊羹Earl Gray Tea Yuzu Yokan
-八女抹茶紅豆羊羹Yame Matcha Red Bean Yokan
-小山園焙茶忌廉芝士Hojicha CreamCheese
🔸法式費南雪金磚蛋糕4件Financier Petite 4pcs:
-意大利開心果Italian Pistachio Financier
-法芙娜雙重朱古力Valrhona Double Chocolate
-櫻花小山園焙茶麻糬Sakura Hojicha Mochi
-核桃楓糖漿Walnut Maple Syrup
🔸法式布列塔尼酥餅4塊Galette Bretonne 4pcs
-原味馬達加斯加香草Original Madagascar Vanilla
-法國法芙娜精品朱古力French Valrhona fine chocolate
-英國川寧皇家伯爵茶Twinings Earl GreyTea
-日本八女抹茶Japanese Yame Matcha
🧡全手工製, 非工場倒模, 每件牡丹月餅大概50-55片花瓣, 逐片逐片人手製作。 自家炒製低糖餡料, 非罐頭 / 現成餡料。數量有限, 售完即止!!! All handmade, non-factory mold. Limited quantity, first-come first-serve 🧡
-- 持有食物製造廠牌照Food Factory Licensed --
富貴牡丹酥Peony Almond Crisp
- 取餅日起計可於室溫可保存1天, 請放置於陰涼乾爽地方。
- 花瓣鬆脆, 切勿搖晃 ! - 如非當天食用建議盡快放置4度雪櫃, 可存放10-12日。
- 取出回溫後 !!請勿重覆雪藏!! 手工製月餅建議盡快享用。
1) 取出室溫回溫5分鐘, 焗爐120-150度焗5-8分鐘, 外脆內軟。
2) 取出室溫回溫5分鐘, 微波爐40-60秒, 香軟流心。 ( 每部家用焗爐 / 微波爐爐溫不同, 敬請睇火 )保存方法:- 取餅日起計可於室溫可保存4天, 請放置於陰涼乾爽地方。- 建議盡快冷藏以延長保質期。最多可保存14天。- 新鮮製作, 不含防腐劑, 請盡快享用手工甜品。
Preservation method:
- Stored at room temperature for 1 day from the day you pick it up, please store it in a cool and dry place.
- It is recommended to refrigerate it as soon as possible for longer preservative period. Keep them in refrigerator, can be stored for 10-12 days. After taking it out and warming up !! Do not freeze it again!!
- Freshly made without preservative, please enjoy the handmade mooncakes ASAP.
Recommended tasting:
1) Place in room temperature for 5 minutes, bake in the oven at 120-150 degrees for 5-8 minutes until crispy.
2) Place in room temperature for 5 minutes, microwave for 40-60 seconds, it will be soft and running .
(The temperature of each household oven/microwave oven is different, please beware of burns.)
Handmade flower mooncakes, non-factory molded, with homemade low-sugar fillings. Delicate flower design with 50-55 petals for each mooncake.
🧡🧡 Unique & Exquisite, for your Happy New Year🧡🧡
Non-canned / ready-made fillings
Made from Hokkaido white beans, Tamba Danagon red beans, Japanese sugar, almonds, egg, milk, etc. Please consider If you have any food allergies.
法式系列French pastries🔸法式費南雪金磚小蛋糕 Financier Petite🔸
FINANCIER費南雪是法文「金融家」的意思, 因為費南雪傳統上是使用長方形模具來烘烤, 金黃色的小蛋糕, 取其外型稱作「金磚蛋糕」。經典的一口大小, 堅果味十足, 內裡濕潤, 外皮酥脆。Financiers, renowned French pastry, are baked in shaped molds, usually small rectangular loaves. The name financier is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mold, which resembles a bar of gold. Classic bite-sized browned butter almond tea cake, nutty and moist with a crispy eggshell-like crust. made of pure fine butter, egg and almond powder, comes in various flavors.
由 法國發酵牛油、日本上白糖、日本雞蛋等精製食材製成。
如有食物過敏, 敬請自行考量。
Made from French fermented butter, Japanese sugar, Japanese eggs, etc. Please consider If you have any food allergies.
Made from Flour, glutens, egg, dairy products etc. Please consider If you have any food allergies.
Preservation method:
- Can be stored at room temperature for 4 days from the day of pick up, please store in cool and dry place.
- Recommended to refrigerate it as soon as possible for longer preservative period. can be stored for up to 14 days.
- Freshly made without preservative, please enjoy the handmade pastry ASAP.
金裝賀年禮盒 New Year Assorted Gift Box
- 消費滿港幣 2000 起可享 5% 折扣。
- 消費滿港幣 4000 起可享10%折扣。
- 消費滿港幣 6000 起可享15%折扣。
Bulk Orders
- 5% off discount for spending HKD2000up.
- 10% off discount for spending HKD4000up.
- 15% off discount for spending HKD6000up.